Past Event: March 27, 2007
The Jewish Feminist Research Group
(A Project of the Women's Studies Program at JTS)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
5:30-7:00 PM
Sylvia Ettenberg: A Portrait of Practical Wisdom
"Building upon interviews, artifacts, and the existing research literature, I attempt to draw a life history of Sylvia Ettenberg, a portrait that places her against a background of American and Jewish history, educational history, and the Jewish Theological Seminary." —Carol K. Ingall
Dr. Carol K. Ingall
"Building upon interviews, artifacts, and the existing research literature, I attempt to draw a life history of Sylvia Ettenberg, a portrait that places her against a background of American and Jewish history, educational history, and the Jewish Theological Seminary." —Carol K. Ingall
Dr. Carol K. Ingall
Professor of Jewish Education, JTS
Dr. Ofra Backenroth
Assistant Dean of The Davidson School, JTS
Dr. Leora Isaacs
Director, JESNA Learnings and Consultation Center
At the session, Ofra Backenroth and Leora Isaacs will join Carol Ingall
in a discussion of her work on Sylvia Ettenberg.
RSVP to to reserve a seat at the session
and to receive a copy of the paper to be discussed.
Light refreshments will be served.
Light refreshments will be served.
The event will be held in the Berman Board Room on the 2nd Floor (near the library) at the Jewish Theological Seminary, 3080 Broadway, NYC (@122ndSt).